Simulating A Computer

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Simulating A Computer

Postby Lyberodoggy » Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:57 pm


Well, I wanted to develop a little escape the room adventure the other day with pics of my house, but I 'm seriously lacking time so I just developed this one that was in my mind...

So... Here's another tutorial for all of you guys, who are trying to make our world a little better with your masterpieces.

First things first...
You need screenshots of your computer's screens like your active desktop, your docs etc...
You can take some screenshots by hitting PrtScn and then right-clicking in MS Paint and selecting Paste...
You can also snapshot the initial screen with the authorization asking (very good oportunity to place a riddle there using the Question Mark Microsoft has put to remind you of your password in combination with the hint system of mercedes... Then just draw a textbox over the depicted one and a hotspot over the green arrow, which will be used to check if the input password is correct.

*Suggestion* When working on 1280*1024 image resolution in AM and your computers resolution is the same, reduce the projects resolution in the project's properties while editing and fix it before finishing the game

Now, bring the desktop frame in front of you. Say you want to make a folder open-able, let's say your docs... shoot a pic of your docs folder using prtscn and ms paint
cut the pics' start menu and make it smaller... make sure to take several shots if the folder scrolls down, so that you 'll make it able later to go to another part of the folder.

Draw a hotspot over the folder's shortcut.

Place this code in it and create the integer called waiting:
Code: Select all
Action.CreateTimedEvent 1.5, "waiting=0",False

Create one big hotspot and make it appear as the screenshot of your docs... Under Variables, make the hotspot appear only if openeddocs integer (which you must create) is 1
Then create a hotspot over the X of the docs and under variables check variables which must become 0 and select opened docs.

Repeat the procedure with every folder you want the player to be able to open.

If you want the player to directly open a file ore program, like if he was using windows, make the same procedure but in the second hotspot (which normally enables the window of the docs just go in advanced and input this code for EXEs:
Code: Select all
Action.OpenEXEFileAndWait "filename.exe" 'this must be located in external folder

or this for any other file:
Code: Select all
Action.OpenFile "filename.extention"

You can also try to simulate right clicking using the method decribed in Changing The Cursor With Right Click tutorial... If you manage this, please post it... Basically all you have to do is load a pic in a hotspot and move that hotspot accordingly, getting the coordinates from the pointer... Be sure to check also wheather the hotspot gets outbound. The you will need to force it go higher or more left...

Hope you like this... Any questions may be solved by studying the attachment...
Study this prior to posting questions
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