New Member; Gene

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New Member; Gene

Postby gposchman » Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:03 am

I am new to Adventure Maker; my name is Gene. I am in my early sixties and I have been playing games since Sierra introduced KQ1. I have been studying game development for a couple of years and I have used AGS, and Game Maker. I have been a programmer for over 40 years and I figure it is about time I had fun doing development.

I have been designing a game, which has gone through many iterations and is finally in actual development mode. While in design, I discovered that my game has actually become a franchise.

The first game in the series is called ?Booh and Babbot in the Haunted House of Dracula?. It is a first person adventure hidden object game. I have completed the back-story, many of the backgrounds to the six levels and I am working on the interface.

If anyone has or knows where I can get the bones of a decent interface I would be grateful. After I have something to show I will be looking for people interested in participating in the game development from many areas. I hope to create a commercially viable game. If anyone has done so with Adventure Maker I would be very interested in his or her experiences.

You can learn more about me at

I look forward to hearing from you.

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Postby reneuend » Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:33 am

I think you are the first person that I've heard of that is older than me on this forum! Welcome aboard!

Your project sounds very interesting.

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Postby Mystery » Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:37 am

Welcome to the forums, Gene :)

Your game idea sounds great, and I hope to hear news and see screenshots soon :)

What exactly do you mean with "where I can get the bones of a decent interface"? What elements should your interface have? I think if you could provide a bit more information what you are looking for, chances are better to get an advice/input :)
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Postby MikeTn1 » Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:06 pm

You are also older then me Gene. There is no reason us older guys cannot have some fun doing a project that we WANT to do rather then HAVE to do as a living. :D

fyi: I am 53
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Postby gposchman » Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:09 pm

I am absolutely new to Adventure Maker. I have downloaded the free AM and I am going through the tutorials to learn how to use it. I am a pretty quick study.

My goal is to create a HOG that is worthy of commercial production. I an an excellent script language programmer, a reasonable graphic artist, and a ~Love to~ good story teller. I am pretty good as a puzzle solver, and okay with puzzle design.

I am looking to create a game with an UI that is similar to "Return to Ravenhearst" and if there are any tutorials that you can recommend of if some one has the basics or can point me in the right direction that would be great.

I will be looking to build a team;, I am working on a portfolio to show what I have accomplished so far so people will see I am serious.

I will be looking for voices, sound effects and music as well artists and script programmers.

The worst case scenario is people will get credit, and a copy of a commercial quality game for their own portfolio, on the other hand there may be money.

There is a terrible preview and sample that will give you some idea of the game at

This will give you some idea of what I am looking to create.

Gene :lol:
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Postby Vairon » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:47 pm

Welcome to the forum, Gene! :)
Your idea is very attractive and interesting. On their website I see high quality games, have you participated in their development? It's really impressive. :shock:
On the other hand, I also see advertising from Big Fish Games, working with them in any way?
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Gene and Renaissance Player, oh and Big Fish

Postby gposchman » Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:27 am

Renaissance Player is my WEB site. There are two menu options on the site;

Home, Game, Development, Interview, Graphics, Preview, and Game Reviews,


New Download, Top Download, Action & Arcade, Card & Board. Mahjong Puzzle, Word, and Online

The upper menu set is my WEB site and I have done everything there, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, and Graphics. The lower set of links is tied to pages that work with an RSS feed from BigFish. Anyone can do this; it is a way BigFish works to expand its market share. I started buying games from Big Fish because $6.99 seemed a good price for games. If anyone buys a game through my site I get a pittance, which is fair because I really don?t do anything. When I go to my site I get to see the latest games they have out.

As of yet I do not have any games with Big Fish, I?ll let you know when that changes, ~~didn't mean to swear~~ I let the whole world know.

If enquiring minds want to know, just ask. 8)

Oh by the way, the preview work from the previous link is all mine. I started the game in Game Maker and got quite a bit done, but there was not a lot of support at yoyogames for HOG development.

There is also a game, single level really that I did located at:, I did this, it is the same theme, different game type then the one I am working on now, it is a little more primitive. :D

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Postby mercedes » Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:49 am

I think AM is perfect for HOG games..As for a UI like Ravenhurst and such..that shouldn't be too hard..with AM.
Your intro screen is nicely put together..The rest of the rooms have the graphics, however perspective point is off a bit..but nice none the less..Prospective point is something that would have completely eluded me before, had "someone"-not pointed it out to i see it my dreams..;D..

You would definitely need the full version..AM..and I think with your experience with programming would be a huge asset to have making a HOG game like Ravenhurst...~:)

However, that being said, MCF doesn't play the best on all machines- for there is so much of it...with videos/particle/animations..ect..It's slow on the best of machines..I think those games are made with many plugins as well.-[At least the 3rd one seems to be..]

I look forward to seeing the outcome of the game..once the screens are finished..:)..and u definitely need a crow in your intro!~..:D

To me the hardest part is the multiple objects/animations/videos/--Alot of the objects are actually drawn right into the frame..

I would start with that..making the picture that would list the objects on them..Be it at the bottom or side..Of course it would be blank.
After that, it's the objects the frames and outside the frames~
After that it's animations..whatever plugin u might need..Scripting to me, comes last..[That might be why i struggle with it]

Not sure if this is what u were looking for..Perhaps once you have figured out of AM is the tool u need to develop this...then one by one..can be sorted out..whatever u need drawn..can be drawn..ect~
To me..i.m.o., AM would be a great tool for a HOG game..In fact when i play MCF games..I can see it being done with AM..definitely. Especially the second one..~

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Postby Mystery » Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:01 pm

I really like your "demo" on your website :D
And I love HOG :)
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A look at the Haunted House of Dracula

Postby gposchman » Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:09 am

I must say the response on this forum has been really good. I am not sure this post is in the correct place, so whoever is monitoring the forum if this should go somewhere else, let me know.

I know that I don?t have the resources to put together a game as sophisticated as the last two MCF games, but the general interface I like a lot and would like to emulate it. The earlier MCF games with maps (which seemed to be all the rage) is not what I am looking to do, I like the adventure quality of moving form screen to screen through each level.

Here is a brief run through of the game.

The game is a comic film noir mystery circa 1930 ? 1940 with a dash of comic horror involving vampires with a double twist at the end. The two main characters are Booh and Babbot who are reminiscent of Laurel and Hardy and Abbot and Costello. They will be providing commentary throughout the game and story.

Opening Level ? Private investigators office.

Booh and Babbot are gentlemen cleaners (janitors who work in business suits, Booh wears tennis shoes). Their first big client is the detective agency. They are cleaning offices (hidden object) and picking up a couple of items for inventory, Booh makes a business card (puzzle how to make business card?).

Enter Femme Fatale with a story about treasure and a haunted house. There are clues in her story, not all is as it seems. Booh and Babbot are in suits and she in none the wiser that they are not detectives. Booh is in love and Babbot is interested in treasure and a haunted house does not deter them, much. Impersonating PI?s, Booh?s idea, they agree to take the case.

A final inventory item is a PI notebook. It will be available for review.

Level - Street in front of house.

There are two areas of Hidden objects and a puzzle to open the gate.

At the front porch there is another hidden object screen and a puzzle to get into the house with surprising results, you end up in the cellar.

Level ? cellar laboratory.

There are three rooms to explore with hidden objects, collect inventory items, and solve the puzzle of the exit from the basement. While searching there are additional clues and maybe a red herring or two.

Level ? house.

There are 9 rooms that will have hidden object areas and clues. There have been 6 deaths/murders in the house and they must be solved as to who got killed where and how, and are they dead?

Sort of a ?Clue? elimination puzzle circa ?who lives in the red house and owns a zebra?.

Solving this level gets you out of the house.

Level - Garden maze.

There are three mazes and I plan to have hidden objects, story clues and of course a puzzle to escape each maze. There is some work to be done with regards to all three.

Level - Graveyard.

I have six views and some ideas about the graveyard but this is pretty open for now. There are a fair number of clues to be available here and the hidden object parts should be fun.

Level - Dracula?s Crypt.

Believe it or not there are three screens and the climax of the game. There will be a Wedding? And another surprise, the story will come to a conclusion and a lot of clues will be resolved but it will open the next chapter in our hero?s adventures, hence the franchise.

Preliminary screens are done, but they are subject to change and team?s recommendations.

I have more but this is already too long.


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Postby Mystery » Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:19 am

Wow, this sounds so amazing! :D
And as it seems, you have planned a big/long game :shock:
I really hope that you pull it through, and make it real :)

To your question, where the right place is to post:
    * Anything related to "working together", and recruiting helpers, is right here.
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Postby reneuend » Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:39 am

A well thought out story! I'd love to help with the coding, but I've already committed myself to help with other group projects. Besides, with 40 years of development, its probably one area you aren't lacking in! :)

If you need a voice, you are welcome to use mine...should it match anything you are looking for.

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screne shots plus

Postby gposchman » Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:54 am

There is a lot to respond to so I apologize if this seems to ramble.

I do a lot of work in PaintShopPro. The layers help me for possible items and locations, although I have not done well in this area. I will post the location some level work done in GameMaker so it can be played. The problem with my hidden objects, are that they aren?t so much and I could use help here; less coding and more graphics.

I use iClone to create avatars, I?m pretty good with it, but there are others who are better. I have Booh and Babbot and I can position them pretty much how I want. I am working on the other characters. I did my own avatar, which you can see in the scene demo; in the Preview link above.

Cast of characters: Booh, Babbot, Femme Fatale, Dracula, Van Hellion, Mrs White/ MissBlack, The Lady in Red, The Big Game Hunter, The Butler, Professor Green, Mary Anne, Zombies, Vampires, Ghouls and Skeletons, and occasional ghost, and Mr X.

I have a voice for Babbot already and the others are open. As scenes are developed, I will have scripts. I will probably use Crazy Talk to provide animated voice sequence. All participants get credit, a copy of the game, and their contribution acknowledged. If I am truly successful, the will be money.

The scene shots I have are backgrounds; here is a link to preliminary work, these are thumb nailed (320x240), actual size is 800x600.

I am uploading a sample I worked on in Game Maker, do not confuse with AM, to YoyoGames where it can be played from or downloaded for free. I will edit this post when it is available so you can see what I have done. Remember it is a preliminary work, but I would like valid comments and recommendations, what is good, what needs work. Remember I do want to make this a commercial product and I am looking for people interested in participating.

The link as promised. ... of-dracula

It needs sound and music so that I know. HO need to be better too, but I would like suggestions. Now excuse me while I duck and cover.

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Postby Mystery » Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:19 am

Nice :D
I think that the room graphics (especially the texturing) could be improved a lot by using 3D artwork - just a thought :)

I didn't check out the game yet, just the pics.
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need 3 d artist??

Postby gposchman » Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:59 am

So all you 3d artists, any one interested in tackling the project, I do have the source in full image jpg and whatever else PSP can create, unless there is a 2d option. I am willing to tackle that with guidance.

I posted the cast of characters if you see one you would like to be the voice for let me know.

This is an open call.

Oh I do not have a PI office, I may check renderosity fo that.

Any questions let me know.

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Postby mercedes » Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:54 am

Here's a thread that really helped me, in creating 3D scenes in 2D paint, and so on...You will never make a room the same after that..:lol: :D

Part A

Part B

Part C

Part D

This should get you started..As for myself, that's the only way I work with 3D..for I don't have any 3D aps..:(...But I have some skills..I just don't know..if they'll help here..There are many that are way better suited for drawing than me..But I can help with some stuff as it comes along..:D..

Like voice overs..ect..but I need a mic!~..:D
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Postby Mystery » Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:28 am

Can you tell us something about the planned time frame?
I think this is also important to people who may be interested, especially for the 3D modeling.

Hehe, I quickly did your parlor out of fun (the border textures are not good :P).

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Postby Vairon » Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:17 pm

If you're looking for people who help you with 3d design, I can help you.
You can see some of my work on my webpage:
I'm no expert but I have some idea. :)
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Postby reneuend » Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:14 pm

Vairon wrote:I'm no expert but I have some idea. :)

Don't be so modest. Your work is excellent!

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Further adventures

Postby gposchman » Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:12 am

The images I loaded at my web site don?t quite show detail right, not that there isn?t room for improvement. I have put up the full 800x600 set shortly so you will have a better look at what I have done.

The preview is a sample but I have a lot more; some good some bad and some ugly. I have looked at a couple of games, and Adventure Maker should be a powerful enough engine for what I need. If I haven?t purchased the full commercial version by the time you read this, I will have done so shortly afterwards.

There are aspects of the street, and Basement that I am dissatisfied with, but other aspects that I like. The street puzzle involves opening a panel and wiring it correctly to open the gate. Of course you must collect screwdriver, wire cutters and the wires.

I am going to take what I have in images and set the basic navigation for the game as quickly as possible. It looks like I can replace a scene fairly quickly and easily as improvements come along. I will post a new game announcement when I have completed this.

After that I am going to finish the write up of each scene and the action there including the inventory items and the puzzle if there is one. As I finish each I will post it to my WEB site with a link here.

Does Adventure Maker lend itself to co-operative development? I suppose I should ask this under the technical questions forum, or at least check there, I will. (Ramble, ramble)

Mercedes nice tutorial, I have been using that same process. Microphones are pretty cheap and basic wave files for voices are what I intend to use. If you can get a copy of ?Who?s on first??, I know it is available online for free, listen to Lou Costello, that is the voice quality I am looking for Booh. And I need a voice for Dracula. No not Bela Lugosi.

There are some great roles for women/ladies/girls, from Femme Fatale, siren, and Mary Anne to Vampires. :wink:

Mystery, nice playing, I love the floor, the door, the shading, the texture, though not a big fan of yellow but you have the feel. How are you at furnishing a room, also I need a close up for the HO like around the fireplace.

I am looking at a 3 to 6 month window to complete the game. I am currently unemployed for now so I can dedicate myself full time, and I intend to. I realize most everyone else has other commitments and work so whatever you can do to help will be most appreciated and hopefully labors will be appropriately rewarded. 8)

Vairon, you do nice work indeed. I will get the images up as soon as possible I would like some feedback, that goes for anyone who has an opinion.

I don?t have the pi office at all I am looking to have a reception area and two offices and a storage room where Booh will make cards for Babbot and himself. :oops:

Confused, it will make sense with the first level write up.

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Postby Vairon » Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:34 am

Reneuend thanks for your words! :)

gposchman, I'm pleased to help you. I hope see your images soon.
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Images are up

Postby gposchman » Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:34 pm

There are some more to come, I have some preliminary pi office images.

I want to note as I develop functions for the HOG, they will be generic and reusable. After the game is finished I will make them available to others who want to make their own HOG.

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Postby mercedes » Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:19 am

Those images are cool...:D

However I took the liberty of copying show to bring the room/area to life a bit..:D

It's indeed very just need to know how to work with 'layers'..almost any software has this function..[except paint]...I'll make my images in there..paste my textures..
But then re-open it up in Photoimpressions..or whatever..and make layers [create shadows..] and use the darkening tool to color them in.

It makes the textures come to life..therefore it doesn't look, like u simply pasted a brick layer[texture] onto the page..

Take a look at the differences between the two images..:D [I learned this from the same guy who did the tutorial..that i posted..

I drove him nuts..creating images for my last game..[that I haven't quiet finished yet..:D]

This was done rather quickly..and could be improved..:)

There are several ways to do this..You can either create a layer of the entire image-copy it--then paste it upside down--color it in dark--erase unwanted areas--Lower the transparency so it looks like shadows..

I didn't do that here..I chose a different way..I chose to create each layer..

I hope u like..if u need any further guidance..cause u like..just post..:D
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Re: Further adventures

Postby Mystery » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:18 pm

gposchman wrote:
Mystery, nice playing, I love the floor, the door, the shading, the texture, though not a big fan of yellow but you have the feel. How are you at furnishing a room, also I need a close up for the HO like around the fireplace.

I am looking at a 3 to 6 month window to complete the game. I am currently unemployed for now so I can dedicate myself full time, and I intend to. I realize most everyone else has other commitments and work so whatever you can do to help will be most appreciated and hopefully labors will be appropriately rewarded. 8)

Well, colors are details, which can be changed ;)

Well, I'm not the one for creating 100% realistical looking and very detailed stuff. I just don't have the patience to work for hours on details of 1 single object :lol: So don't expect me to create a realistic piano or computer keyboard with nice texture mapping, or detailed headphones etc.

Here is an example what I do in terms of object details:

Wow, 3-6 months are not much considering the amount of scenes/rooms that you have in mind!

What you also need to keep in mind:
If you plan to go commercial, you can't use objects/meshes, textures, sounds, music etc. that are free for noncommercial use. I have a lot of such stuff, and they are very helpful, however everything would need to be created by the team, or purchased, if the game is supposed to be sold. And I'm certainly not good with creating textures on my own. I can mix some materials in my 3D software, but something like the parquet texture can't be created like this.
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Postby CBSection31 » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:30 pm

If you decide to go commercial and want to save time designing 3D models, I suggest checking out and Both have marketplaces with royalty-free 3D models that you can purchase for commercial use. All of my games have made extensive use of these sites' resources! :)
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The Continuing Saga

Postby gposchman » Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:55 pm

Hi Mercedes,

You did a nice job and your right it does enhance the look.

The shadowing is a great idea, especially for added depth, I just didn?t do it. The good news is I use PSP 8.1 and layers are available along with 3d effects and shadowing. I have a lot of the original work in layers in the native format for PSP and I can generate photo shop layers also. In the crypt there are about 8 layers with different elements loaded on each layer, so shadowing should be pretty easy. If you are interested in the graveyard/Crypt I get you what I have and the road map developed to date, I have a fair amount of work here for HO and puzzles.

Anyone - suggestions?

Hi Mystery,

Furnishings are an issue, and I know that I will need to adjust there. I am a member of and have made purchases there. I picked up a poser pi office. I have DAZ, and although I cant create dick, I can manipulate and capture. I make sure I purchase stuff for commercial use. I intend to give credit where I have used what I have purchased. There are a number of furnishings there and I do have a bit of a budget for the game. If you are interested in doing the house, let me know what you use for development, we?ll check out Renderosity and supplement what you need.

If there is a section of the game anyone is interested in helping with let me know. I am breaking it down by levels because it makes it easier to build and if I can get a couple of people helping then the 3 to 6 month time frame is not impossible.

Here is an example of what I mean. I have the pi office and I am now looking at how to expand it into a reception area, two offices, and workroom. I have most of the graphics, so its mostly layout. The two offices will have a small desk and cabinet, chair, etc; both good for HO. Each will supply an inventory item to be used later. The reception area will be used for story telling and picking up an inventory item. The storage room is where Booh will create two business cards (puzzle). Once he has accomplished that he will return to the reception where Babbot is, and Femme Fatale arriver with her story

The PI office will be where the Game/Story starts and act as a ?how to play the game.?

From there, the player goes to the street. There will be two HO search sites; one at the tree (a close up) on the left, and the other the trash can (a close up) on the right. The puzzle will be to open the gate (a close up).

Development of each level does not depend on a previous level except for inventory and you cannot leave a level until the inventory is complete. I will have the full roadmap for the game finish this week.

I have purchased the full commercial version of AM and I am working on a custom opening frame, and I have some technical questions, which I will be posing in technical support.

Hi CBSection31,

Turbosquid I have not checked out, I will.

Thanks all of you, I will be working the PI office next unless there is a hard-boiled film noir type who wants it. As I said I have the set in poser and I am looking to turn it into 7 or 8 frames.

Chime in if you have ideas, recommendations or want to contribute.

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Postby Mystery » Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:24 pm

It would be great to have an overview of how many locations and screens are needed, and what should be on them in order to be able to judge the time and effort it's going to take, and also in order to allocate it to different people (if there are different people who are ready to assist).
Plus, if several people worked on the screen artwork, the style shouldn't be too different.
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Postby MarkSA » Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:24 am

Good luck with your project.

I was using AM and 3d rendered backgrounds. I gave up because it would take me too long to set up the scene and the wait for one picture to render, anything up to a day. Not much fun if you have hundreds of pictures to render.

So I gave up and went 3d, and now able to have a whole scene finished etc within a short space of time (a level a day).

Might be interested in composing music, though, what are you after?

My suggestions for a commercial game would consist of.

1: Good story
2: Good graphics, either done by 3d rendering, photography, cartoon like broken sword etc.
3: Music and sfx.
4:Scripting, use of plugins.

A free 3d renderer that may be useful is Daz studio 3. You may have to buy content from Renderosity, RDNA and Daz itself to find the content you need for the game.

Daz Studio, you can combine photography and content to create a rendered image

AM is great for the traditional point and click, but needs better sprite support and png capabilities.
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