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What is a reasonable price for Mytho? (The playing time will be approximately 3 months at 3h a day)

Poll ended at Fri Feb 06, 2015 12:59 pm

Up to 50$ (38.50€)
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Total votes : 6

Re: Mytho

Postby Vairon » Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:08 pm

Great news!! :D
I can no wait to see the images!
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Re: Mytho

Postby Simon » Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:08 am

I'm still very interested in your game ! Show more ! :)
Have you decided to make a blog ? Would be so great !
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Re: Mytho

Postby mrmyst » Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:56 pm

Yes, I have hired a web designer to program a Mytho blog. He informed me that I must call it because already belongs to a chemical company.
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Re: Mytho

Postby reneuend » Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:06 am

Let me know if you need any assistance in English translation for your game, MrMyst.

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Re: Mytho

Postby Simon » Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:15 am

Great news, though why not using a free service to create your blog ?
Blogspot is easy to use for example, and allows a lot of customisation.
You can then buy your own .com domain and link it to your blog. I'm sure many people here would help on this.
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Re: Mytho

Postby reneuend » Sun Mar 10, 2013 2:24 pm

I agree with Simon. No one really programs Blogs because they are readily available and are very easy to use. Your web designer should build you a website and link it to a free blog, just as Simon suggests.

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Re: Mytho

Postby mrmyst » Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:10 pm


on the next Saturday i will present a "real" screenshot, not just a rendering. In recent times i rarely had the opportunity to work on Mytho, but soon the Easter vacation in Germany will begin, and I can continue. Moreover, the rendering software that I use, was improved, so now it?s possible to render grass, rain and fire. The web designer told me he would make a blog, where i can also create polls, and readers could comment my posts and share them in social networks. He said, a self-created blog do not able such advanced thinks.

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Re: Mytho

Postby Vairon » Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:09 pm

Very interesting, what 3d software do you use?
The blog is a very good idea.
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Re: Mytho

Postby mrmyst » Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:39 pm


I had used Blender, but now I use a proprietary program called "Synthavision".
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Re: Mytho

Postby Simon » Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:46 pm

mrmyst wrote:Hello,

on Saturday, the 17th March i will present eight "real" screenshots, not just renderings. In recent times i rarely had the opportunity to work on Mytho, but soon the Easter vacation in Germany will begin, and I can continue. Moreover, the rendering software that I use, was improved, so now it?s possible to render grass, rain and fire.

GREAAAAAAT ! I want to see the screens :)
I'm very interested too in the technique, so I'm curious about what you can do with your 'synthavision'.

mrmyst wrote:The web designer told me he would make a blog, where i can also create polls, and readers could comment my posts and share them in social networks. He said, a self-created blog do not able such advanced thinks.

Huh ??? Either I don't understand what you mean, either your web designer wants your money so much that he's cheating on you !
Blogspot allows the 3 things he said :
- possibility to add polls via the "gadgets" on the right
- readers can post their comments on each new article
- possible to share each article separately on facebook, google+, etc.. via a set of icons under each article.

Have a look at my blog :
See the facebook button under each article ? I desactivated the readers comments, but you can allow them for sure.
You know, you should really try blogspot (or another one, because there are others) by yourself and see how easy it is to learn and to use. No need to code anything ! Just customize your page and post your news and pictures ;)
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Re: Mytho

Postby mrmyst » Fri Mar 22, 2013 8:29 pm


as promised, I can publish the first demo on Saturday. I'm actually already finished, but i am still looking for image errors that I need to remove manually using GIMP. When I told the web designer that everything what is so "unique" in his blog, even is availible at Blogspot, he was furious, and called no more thereafter. As long as I do not get a bill from him, I do not even matter. He had always been a bit strange...

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Re: Mytho

Postby reneuend » Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:35 am

The fact he got furious says it all.

I am very much looking forward to the demo! :!:

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Re: Mytho

Postby Vairon » Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:11 am

Yeah! I Can not wait for the demo!! :D
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Re: Mytho

Postby mrmyst » Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:53 pm

Here are the eight announced Screenshots. I will improve the degree of realism, soon.
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Re: Mytho

Postby Vairon » Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:43 pm

A fantastic job, but as you say you need to improve the degree of realism.

Please keep me informed.

And the demo? How it goes?
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Re: Mytho

Postby mrmyst » Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:07 pm

Hello Varion,

the Demo is nearly ready.
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Re: Mytho

Postby Simon » Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:00 am

Very interesting screenshots. If you allow me to criticize (in order to help), this is what I would try to improve :

- Lighting : you seem to only have a skylight or global illumination. The fact is that your pictures would be much better with a sun light (example a spot) with strong shadows (raytraced maybe)

- Some textures are tiling too much. Well, it's not a big problem on the cliffs, but it's a problem on the most visible textures, like the red bricks on the house. Try to find a more discreet texture if you keep them tiled, or get some bigger textures, for example here

- Try to add some nice effects on compositing (the gimp) : vignetting, lens flare, glow, color hue/saturation, levels, contrasts, textures, etc... It can completely change one of your pictures !

Good luck, and sorry that your web designer went furious... But as reneuend said, it means a lot !
I'm sure you'll do nice with blogspot or another system.
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Re: Mytho

Postby mrmyst » Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:06 pm

Hello Simon,

thank you for the criticism:

(1) "Synthavision" currently dont support sun light. But i will add this Feature, soon. Should the sunlight be white or a bit red/yellow?
(2) Yes, i used Image Textures. But i will use fractal Textures next time.
(3) Yes, i am going to do this. Maybe i can program synthavision so, that it automatically render lens-flare.

I?m also going to add Bump-Maps and Specular Maps.

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Re: Mytho

Postby Simon » Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:04 am

Hey, glad if I could help !

mrmyst wrote: "Synthavision" currently dont support sun light. But i will add this Feature, soon. Should the sunlight be white or a bit red/yellow?

Ok no problem, I didn't mean a real Sun Light. What I was thinking is a basic light (= a spot light, a direct light, or a point light...) to put in the place of the sun and cast some shadows. Your scene is definetely missing some shadows.

mrmyst wrote:Yes, i used Image Textures. But i will use fractal Textures next time.

I'm not sure you should use fractals. Well, it's up to you to choose, of course, but I would continue to use image textures.
If you check the link I gave you in my previous post, it's a huge texture database with high definition jpg textures. What I suggest you, is to use large textures that won't need to tile and that can cover a large part of a mesh. Example : instead of tiling some small bricks picture on the wall, use a large texture to cover the whole wall once and for all.

mrmyst wrote: Yes, i am going to do this. Maybe i can program synthavision so, that it automatically render lens-flare.

Would be great !

mrmyst wrote:I?m also going to add Bump-Maps and Specular Maps.

Ok, good thing. If you can, try adding more objects in the environment (ie : different sizes of stones, with different textures, from very small stones to big rocks). You can try adding trees and grass if you feel like it, but it's difficult. What you could easily add is a path of stone slabs (example : ... y+moor.jpg)

Have you tried searching for references on google ? I seached pictures with the following keys : cabin canyon
I found this one, that made me think of your picture : ... 364778.jpg
It can bring some new ideas ! See, there's a wooden bench in front of the sheter. Why not adding one ? :)

Well, I wish you good luck, I know it's a lot of work !
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Re: Mytho

Postby Vairon » Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:25 pm

Any news on this amazing project?
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Re: Mytho

Postby mrmyst » Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:37 pm

Well, I've thought of a puzzle, but it takes some time to implement. But maybe there already some screenshots next week. :)

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Re: Mytho

Postby Vairon » Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:26 pm

Don't worry! Take your time :wink:
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Re: Mytho

Postby mrmyst » Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:13 pm


i?ve got a new screenshot. Please give me a feedback:

- Does it look realistic?
- Should Mytho got Moons?
- Does the Moons look good?

Mytho with two of the five moons (Hyderios and Metalith)
mytho.png (1.05 MiB) Viewed 31204 times
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Re: Mytho

Postby Simon » Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:09 pm

mrmyst wrote:Hello,

i?ve got a new screenshot. Please give me a feedback:

- Does it look realistic?
- Should Mytho got Moons?
- Does the Moons look good?


Hi MrMyst ! Thanks a lot for sharing your hard work !

I'll go straight to the point :

- Does it look realistic?
--> Honestly, no. BUT it doesnt matter !!!!!!! It's good to develop your own graphic style. My point is that it's an interesting screenshot, but it's a little empty (the ground). And it's not a matter of realism. You just need to add some stones here and there, some grass and a tree ! For example. Or no grass if it's too difficult, but at least some stones.

- Should Mytho got Moons?
--> Yeah, why not ? That depends on your game in fact. Are they useful or just for fun ?
Anyway I like it with more than 1 moon.

- Does the Moons look good?
--> Yeah, even if they're a little too dark I think. Try adding a global color too (a reddish tint maybe) to the whole picture + stars and a gradient in the sky. ... 2-blog.jpg

Good luck, and keep the good work !
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Re: Mytho

Postby mrmyst » Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:58 pm

Hello Simon,

thank you rated the graphics. The moons are not just for fun, they have something to do with a "hydraulic puzzle". I will not betray much, but on the earth, there is one moon that drives the tides... The picture is supposed to be an extra "something akstrakt" because Mytho...

I will not say too much again, but maybe you know "The Matrix" (1999) or "Tron" (1982). Or did you play "Reah"?

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Re: Mytho

Postby Simon » Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:26 pm

Hey, thanks for the details. This hydrolic puzzle is a very nice idea. I think the "abstract" side of your picture is good, and all you need to do is add a few details as I said previously. I just think that the ground is too uniform and needs some stones here and there, and that the picture is a bit too dark. It's that kind of detail that will add some credibility to your world. It's like the background in a theater.
Anyway good luck, Matrix and Tron are great references, and I personnaly enjoy SF and fantastic stories. I had never heard of Reah before, but it looks good. It's an interesting reference !
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Re: Mytho

Postby mrmyst » Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:08 pm


is someone interested in Deatils about the Hydraulic Puzzle?

.tnemecalper ssapmoc a si ereht ,suhT .tsew-htron erehw setacidni diuqil eht fo noitcerid eht dna dleif citengam on sah ohtyM

The hidden text explaining why the puzzle must be solved. I won't tell how to solve it.

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Re: Mytho

Postby Vairon » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:20 pm

Hi mrmyst!

Is a pleasure see your work and your progress.

1?) I'm agree with Simon, not seems realistic. The scene is empty, you need to add something like buildings, trees, stones... and is very important the lights and textures for a realistic appearance.

2?) This is your decision, it's important for the game? The story of the game tell you.

3?) I like it, a little dark, but realistic. And you can add stars and some clouds and spot light from the moon, this create a real scene. And maybe, some fog?

The puzzle sounds very interesting, thanks for the details. Your inspiration is really good: Matrix, Tron and Reah. Yes I know Reah, a very good example of an indie game. ;)

Please, feel free to show your progress, we will try to help you always.

Best regards, Vairon.
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Re: Mytho

Postby mrmyst » Fri May 03, 2013 10:38 pm


i'll improve the points, but because I read it just now, after 23 Days without the Forum, I can only begin tomorrow.

Best Regards, Mr. Myst
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Re: Mytho

Postby reneuend » Sat May 04, 2013 1:27 am

Thanks and welcome back MrMyst...looking forward to see what you have next!

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