Sorry for bumping a 2 month old topic, but I had to reply to this. I just downloaded audacity last night. I thought.....huh? So I went here and there are a ton of tutorials that show how easy it is to use audacity:
Although when I tried to record my voice, nothing would record.....I dont think I found a tutorial on that page, so I did a search. Turns out that first you have to save an empty project, name it anything you want......then when you open it, you can record your voice or other sounds (make your own game sounds). But you must have a project open to record things using your microphone. Also, your mic must be plugged into your mic jack, not the soundcard.
Well, to sum it up, I am amazed at this program. Being freeware I expected something a LOT less. There are so many cool things you can do with this. (If somebody posted a similar post to mine already, I'm sorry. I did a search for audacity on here and a lot of posts came up).